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Hazleton Senior High School
Class Of 1973

Let's Celebrate!

Save the Date!

August 10, 2025

1:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Casual, outdoor venue - Registration module will be activated soon. Since credit card processing ("junk fees") increased to 6% and attendance is lower than the normal reunion, we'll only be accepting personal checks.

So far, we have 43 classmates attending, with guests, about 54 total.

Who's coming?

Alexandrakos (Koko), Mary
Ashman (Ulshafer), Debra L.
Baran, Jr., John P.
Barna (Hoilko), Sandra
Chabalko, John M.
Chinni (Kiefer), Ruth Ann
Cortese, John N.
Cusatis (Lupco), Elaine A.
DaGrosa (Lighty), Deborah
Damico, Merri C                                      +1
DeJong (Robertson), Hady M.
Dindoffer, Jan                                          +1
DiRomualdo, Chester P.                           +1
Donahue, Thomas J.
Drost (Miller), Nancy
Farkus, Joseph                                       +1
Fedullo, Lisa M.
Frask (Gunzenhauser), Noreen                 +1
Galada (Galada), Susan E.
Gallagher, Dennis                                    +1
Gilbert, Gary                                           +1
Gronski, Joseph
Hamilton, Lawrence
Hill (Miskar Formerly Suravicz), Marilyn D.
Hoilko, Michael G.
Houseknecht (Detweiler), Alice
Keselicka (Harman), Cynthia                   +1
Kokiko (Onuschak), Anna Jean
Kolb, James D.                                      +1
Kollesar, John G.
Lloyd (Harnak), Catherine                        +1
Malloy (Barletta), Mary Grace E.
Marotta, Maryann C.                               +1
Matyas, Thomas
Medvecky, Jane
Mope, Joseph                                         +1
Nance, David
Neubert (Collins), Debra L.                       +1
Petrone, Anthony
Robinson, Lynne A.
Sagan (Roadarmel), Sue Ann
Scatton, Jeffry
Tokash, Robert J.



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Welcome to Mary Ann Toth as Website Co-Administrator.  Volunteers are always welcome in website administration, classmate search team, and planning our reunions. If you would like to join the team, or help in any way, please "Contact Us!"  to provide your name, email and phone number to Jane Medvecky and Nancy Drost Miller, who we are once again lucky to have as Chairs of the Committee.  Please feel free to let us know if you have any suggestions, questions or problems.


*FYI - COMMERCIAL SOLICITATION BY OTHER SITES:  If you receive SOLICITATION EMAILS from, or any other commercial, for-profit websites, who seem to be us, be assured that they are NOT AFFILIATED with our website and not approved by us. Some alumni have mistakenly paid to sign up believing these other sites are affiliated with us. Thanks to the support and generous contributions from our fellow classmates, our site is free! 

Please join us: click on Classmate Profilesfind & click on your name,

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We are a non-profit organization. Our website email notices only come from our administrators using Hazleton Senior High School Class of 1973 via

Do you have any news or topics of interest pertaining to our class that you would like to share with fellow classmates? What would YOU like to see on this site in the future? Please feel free to email your submissions to "Contact Us" for committee review and posting. 

LEGAL NOTICE: Information on this website is personal and not authorized for business or for-profit purposes. You may not use information for mailing lists. Only alumni of the Hazleton Senior High School Class of 1973 are authorized to share and use this information for personal, non-profit and reunion use. Anyone not given explicit access and authorized in writing by the website administrator to access or use site information will be notified and prosecuted swiftly (if necessary) by our legal counsel for any misuse of this information. This website is the property of Hazleton Senior High School Class of 1973, Copyright 2013.


Leonard Mumie  2/14
Nancy Mondero  2/15
Jeffry Scatton  2/16
John M. Chabalko  2/23
Mark S. Damiter  3/3
Gregory Saul  3/3